Sunday, July 05, 2009

JLPT 2 2009 .... it's over...

After having studied for weeks for the JLPT, the day was finally there yesterday...

I arrived at Kwansei Gakuin (関西学院) where I met this guy I used to go to KCC with. The first test (Kanji - Vocabulary) started at 9.45 which went pretty good (except for the part that they only said ; 5 more minutes to go.... and where you expect them to say last 1 minute it is suddenly: Time is up, put your pencil down.... aaa I still need to do 5 more questions... check check check check check)... Maybe around 75 points

The second test (listening) went really well, I made a lot of notes in the second parts. maybe 85 points...

The 3rd test (reading - grammar) went very well except for the reading part... which I just didn't get because of stress, tiredness, or just because my reading skills suck (probably the last one)... maybe 90 points

Meaning, 75 + 85+ 90 = 250 points.... I need 240 points...

I have to wait until September to hear the result ( please think of me :) )

I kinda feel empty now, having studied Japanese for months and prepared for the test for weeks... and now I don't have to do anything anymore... Setting new goals: LOI Bachelor Communication and Multimedia Design ....


MrSheep said...

just curious, what's the maximum points you can score? Just relax for the moment and enjoy the summmmer.

John said...

Good luck! I'm going to take JLPT 2 on the next opportunity, so I need all the help I can get. hahahaha. Keep in touch!
